Cora Sexton Wheeler Works

Cora Sexton Wheeler

Denver, Colorado

The goal of my art is to engage viewers through multiple sensory outlets, primarily visual and 
tactile. The saturated colors are playful, inviting and warm. The palette, along with the heavy 
texture, encourages a closer look and even a touch. My body of work is heavily influenced by my 
heritage and upbringing in both the city and on a ranch in Durango, Colorado. The paintings tell a 
story that reflects American history, especially in the West. Every piece starts with sculpting a 
landscape or image onto canvas with lightweight paste. Then, multiple acrylic color washes are 
applied to the layers and fine details are painted in. Paintings are completed with either a high 
gloss resin or varnished with a matte finish. The pieces are sculptures on canvas with the depth 
adding structure and interest. My work continues to grow and change in both the size and 
subject matter, always with a western nod and appreciation for my native Colorado upbringing.


Studied at the University of Denver and the University of Colorado-Health Science Center


Community Series Pop-up at Free Market Dairy Block (Denver, CO) 2021 Memories in the Making, Purple Gala Featured Artist (Denver, CO) 2016-present First Friday Art Walks Denver Dairy Block (Denver, CO) 2023-present Representation Southern Kindness Western Gallery Boutique Nine dot Arts (Denver, CO) Rogala Design (Denver, CO)


Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine "A Line Muses: Artist Cora Wheeler" (September 2020) Cherry Hills Village Magazine "Local Artist: Cora Sexton Wheeler" (January 2021) Avid Lifestyle Magazine "Heirloom Art" (February 2021) Shoutout Colorado "Meet Cora Wheeler" (March 2021) The Explorer "Dental Hygienists are Artists" (April 2021) Architectural Digest Magazine (March 2023)


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